#JustBeatIt archive 2021

(Was going to post Dec 01, but since Twitter may be imploding, I got a jump on it) Here are all of the video games I beat in 2021. Prompted by the good folks at the Polykill Podcast, after beating a game I’ll compose a ‘beat tweet’ and send it out on Twitter. This list will not include any beats I didn’t Tweet out or any Tweets with a misspelled hashtag (it’s happened, lol). I’m not the most prodigious beater out there, but I love what I do all the same.

#JustBeatIt archive 2020

Here are all of the video games I beat in 2020. Whew, what a year. Prompted by the good folks at the Polykill Podcast, after beating a game I’ll compose a ‘beat tweet’ and send it out on Twitter. This list will not include any beats I didn’t Tweet out or any Tweets with a misspelled hashtag (it’s happened, lol). I’m not the most prodigious beater out there, but I love what I do all the same.

#JustBeatIt archive 2019

(Why didn’t I think of this before?)

Here are all of the video games I beat in 2019. This was the first year I Tweeted them. Prompted by the good folks at the Polykill Podcast, after beating a game I compose a ‘beat tweet’ and send it out on Twitter. This list will not include any beats I didn’t Tweet out or any Tweets with a misspelled hashtag (it’s happened, lol). I’m not the most prodigious beater out there, but I love what I do all the same.